Curriculum Information



Our well planned, vibrant curriculum places our pupils at its centre and we aim to deliver a curriculum that truly meets the needs of our children. All children have access to a rich, broad, exciting and balanced curriculum which enables each individual to develop emotionally, social and intellectually.

We aim to offer a primary curriculum that not only inspires learning but develops skills, knowledge and understanding to successfully equip children for later life.  At Tonge Moor our school vision and values permeate all areas of school life and underpin all learning.  Along with high academic standards, we place great emphasis on nurturing well-rounded children and therefore Personal, Social and Health Education is at the heart of our curriculum in order to ensure we have happy children who are ready to engage and access learning.




Curriculum Design

At the heart of our curriculum are our core subjects of English, Maths, Science and PSHE.  We also truly value our wider curriculum, covering all other National Curriculum subjects.  Progression of knowledge, skills and understanding is carefully planned, reviewed and adapted to ensure that children’s learning builds effectively as they move through the school.  Learning across the curriculum is sequential and each subject area has a clear rationale behind its design.

We are fully committed to providing our children with a wide and rich range of learning experiences beyond the classroom.  Where possible, learning will be supported and enriched by field studies, visits, workshops, trips and residentials.


Quality First Teaching

We provide children with stimulating learning environments that are designed to support the development of inquisitive, independent, life-long learners.  We aim to encourage every pupil to reach their full potential through the provision of varied opportunities.  At Tonge Moor Academy, quality first teaching includes:

  • Expert subject knowledge
  • Effective questioning
  • Clear, direct, purposeful feedback
  • Misconceptions identified and addressed
  • Effective pace and use of time to allow practice and embedding of KUS
  • High expectations
  • Quick progress activities
  • Effective use of support
  • Range of teaching strategies to meet the needs of all learners
  • Assessment for learning to shape the direction and pace of learning
  • Collaborative learning strategies
  • Clear differentiation for key groups



Teachers set high expectations for every pupil, responding to pupils’ needs and overcoming potential barriers for

individuals and groups of pupils. Lessons are be planned to ensure that there are no barriers to every pupil achieving. Where necessary, pupils have access to specialist equipment and different approaches. Teachers plan lessons so that all pupils can access the full curriculum.



Early Years is often the first experience into the world outside the family home. What the children learn creates secure foundations for future learning and development. We believe in providing a stimulating, challenging environment which is an extension of the home. The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage provides the structure for our curriculum. Our approach to planning in the Early Years is personalised to the interests, next steps and needs of all individual children.


Key Stage 1 and 2

For Key Stage 1 and 2, the National Curriculum programmes of study are used to provide learning objectives. For each subject, the school has developed a breakdown of skills. These form the ‘backbone’ of our approach.  Lessons are planned through long term and medium term plans to ensure thorough coverage of skills.


Curriculum Leadership

At Tonge Moor, Curriculum teams work together alongside MAT professional partners to promote professional leadership and management of their subject area to secure high quality teaching, effective use of resources and the highest standards of progress for all pupils. Curriculum leaders:

  • establish a vision and action plan for their subject.
  • establish, develop and implement policy and schemes of work for their subject in accordance with the requirements of the National Curriculum and of school policy.
  • monitor and evaluate the effects of subject policies and plans.
  • lead the teaching of their subject by example.
  • monitor and evaluate progress and achievement in their subject.
  • develop effective working relationships with all teachers, parents, senior leaders and governors.
  • lead professional development in their subject.
  • work with others to ensure the teaching of their subject across the curriculum.
  • establish, maintain and develop appropriate resources for the teaching of their subject.





Children feel safe, are happy and enjoy coming to school.  Children demonstrate a love of learning and are confident in their own abilities.  Children demonstrate emotional resilience and the ability to persevere when they encounter challenge.

Parents and carers are happy with the school and their children’s achievements.



Children are resilient, independent and responsible learners who are ambitious and have high expectations of themselves.   Children take pride in their work, try hard and show a positive attitude to learning.  Children demonstrate our vision and values daily.  Children are kind, respectful and honest, demonstrate inclusive attitudes and are prepared to make a positive contribution to society.



From their starting points, all children make at least expected progress academically.  Knowledge, understanding and skills will be secured and embedded, children are fully prepared for their next step in education.  Children read widely and often with fluency and comprehension. Children can confidently articulate their knowledge as well as demonstrate and apply their skills.